Supporting our Community

We founded The Nagler Group, in large part, to serve our local community and make a difference in the lives of our neighbors and friends.  As an organization, we are dedicated to giving back in all of the communities where we live and work.

Through our volunteer and philanthropic initiatives, we make various donations in support of local charities, non-profits, and community programs.  Our goals are always centered around lifting up those who may be underserved and overlooked while enriching the lives of people and families in need.

We Love to Volunteer!

We encourage our team to do more than donate money.

All employees of The Nagler Group can take up to 40 hours of paid time off for volunteer work with the local charity of their choice.  We also sponsor internal initiatives throughout the year that contribute to a variety of worthy causes.

Here are just a few of the local organizations and initiatives our staff has served recently:

“Collecting clothing for families in need was an incredibly fun and rewarding experience.”

– Ari Lehner

“This was such a rewarding experience knowing that our work would change a child’s life!”

Jessica Florez

“The Boston Children’s Cup was such a great experience – getting to compete with my colleagues here at BANKW Staffing and supporting such an amazing cause.”

Ashley Benuck

“Supporting 68 Hours of Hunger has been a incredible opportunity get our team involved in a way that makes a true difference in our community.”

Matt Nagler

“Being a part of helping a child go to sleep comfortably makes the hard work completely worthwhile and one to remember.”

Channa Houth

Join Us for Volunteer Opportunities